How Diverse Teams Drive Innovation (Part 1)
Published on:
Jun 27, 2022
Photo credit: Gorodenkoff/Adobe Stock
The diversity of a company and its success are not only directly related, but their relationship has become increasingly significant in recent years.
According to a series of reports from McKinsey & Company, companies with more gender diversity on their board financially outperform companies with a homogeneous board by 25%. Similarly, those with more ethnically diverse boards financially outperform those with homogeneous boards by 36%.
Developing diverse teams can be particularly helpful in the civil engineering profession. It opens the door to new ideas and solutions to the unique challenges that engineers face in our evolving world.
In part one of this ASCE Interchange, Miguel Alemañy, founder of Innomatrix and board chair for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, discusses how diverse teams drive business innovation and success.